Check out the updated Wirral Tennis website - go to:
****CLUB NEWS****
2025 Season
A recent event at Port Sunlight needed the defibrillator to be used. Knowing this, one of the Committee has asked the main committee if a simple overview/training of the defibrillator could be given. We wait for a response on this but in the meantime make sure you know where on the tennis clubhouse noticeboard the code is for our defibrillator - so if you need it you go straight to it!! Same for the one in the main clubhouse - check it out! Don't be caught unawares!!!!!! Until any awareness session - don't be afraid to use it - instructions are with it!
!!!!!Emergency Contacts!!!!!
With the above in mind - the 2025 list is currently being populated, hopefully never used but just in case..... You just never know.. See the WhatsApp group for more information on this or contact the Secretary directly.
Mike will be putting up a noticeboard in the tennis club house for tennis related activity/events. Please keep a watch for information. The noticeboard will be additional to this website.
2nd Team
A recent poll of members indicated an overwhelming interest in putting in a 2nd team into the Summer Season as it is now an open league offering more opportunity. The committee confirmed this at their meeting with a view to considering a 3rd team for the 2026 season. All this is great but now we need a Captain for that team from those who opted for a 2nd team. So please contact me if you are able and willing.
On the subject of Captains - some of our Captains have acted in the role for some time and would welcome a rest!!! They will help anyone putting their name forward. Please consider and let me know if you would be interested in taking on a role. Let's spread the love around!!!!!!
Padel Update
All surveys/reports complete and Council planning permission has now been sought. More updates as and when...
2025 AGM
At the recent AGM those officials currently in place were returned en bloc. A welcome addition to the committee is Louie Snell as Social Competition Guru!
2025 sees the 150 anniversary of the Club. As such several events are on the way - so keep an eye to the homepage and our own (HERE) for any tennis specific events.
Jonnie Sweeney
Restrings £20
If you provide your own strings then £10.
The club doesn't have an official restring but Jonnie does restring for some of our members.
Sports clothing with the Oxton Tennis Logo on can be obtained from
****WHERE TO FIND US!!****
Catch up on all the "casual" tennis news by going to:
Instagram @oxtontennis
Facebook Oxton Tennis Club
All long term information, posters etc that get lost or is hard to find on WhatsApp will be placed on here.
This frees up the WhatsApp group for shorter chats and messages.
Claire is looking to organize another social evening, round the start of the season, so watch out for details..
Cheshire Tennis
From Cheshire Tennis - the Cheshire Tennis AGM will be held via Zoom at 18.30 on Thursday 3rd April. The formal part of the meeting should take about 30 minutes and there will be the opportunity for questions to follow.
Further information, including the Agenda and associated documentation, will be sent out nearer the time, along with the Zoom link to attend.
Please save the date in your busy schedules.
Just a reminder that the 50s and Over Mixed Champs closes on 12th January. To enter access this link...
On top of that below is a message from our new Ladies Senior Teams Organiser, Janette Harris...
​Keep scrolling down for our Diary Dates Infrmation
Thursday 27th November
Sunday 14th September
WTL Tankard Finals
Saturday 6th September
WTL playoffs and Presentation
Saturday 26th July
Under 8 comp on our coiurts
Sunday 13th July TBC
End of season social comp
Details to follow
Saturday 12th July
Under 8 comp on our courts
Sunday 22nd June TBC
150 Social Competition
Details to follow
Saturday 15th June
Under v8 comp on our courts
Tuesday 10th June (Committee & Captains) TBC
Half season ranking meeting
Saturday 31st May
Under 8 comp on our courts
Saturday 17th May
Play Your Way to Wimbledon
Saturday 10th May
Under 8 Comp on our courts
Tuesday 22nd April (Committee & Captains)
Ranking meeting time to be confirmed but following on from practice.
Sunday April 13th. TBC
Start of season social competition.
Details to follow.
Friday 4th April
1st social tennis from 6pm
Thursday 3rd April
Cheshire Tennis AGM by Zoom - 1830. (See Cheshire News above for more information)
Tuesday 1st April
1st match practice from 6pm
Tuesday 25th March
Last indoor session