Despite a very, very wet season with the sun only deciding to shine for the latter part of the season our teams acquitted themselves very well. While on most occasions the Captains had no problems getting their team together - for a number of reasons each Captain had some problems during the season getting a team out to complete matches and avoid penalty points. But all credit to them and the responding players they managed to fulfill all fixtures but not without a slew of emails and posts first!!!! Thanks to the Captains and their tenacity and the players for stepping up.
While the teams did well, so did individual players - Rose Wise and Sarah Mitchell both topping their respective Mixed
Sarah and Rose - ((Clearly not on a tennis court!!!))
League Averages. No mean feat by any stretch. Congratulations from everyone in the club to them. A cause for celebration at the League Presentation Evening!!!!!!
As well as our League Teams we play in the fun filled Friendly League. Comments throughout the Season indicate a good time was had by all! Match tennis but without the pressures of the League! A great opportunity for newbies to the section to develop their on-court skills without worry or stress!
After most matches there is always time for a beverage and a review of the match!!
So that's a wrap as they say!!!! 2024 Summer Season done and dusted! Now to the Winter League and Social Tennis!! Watch this space for more info.......................