Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the cricket section will be held in the clubhouse on Thursday 8th February at 7:30pm.

1. To read the notice convening the meeting
2. Apologies for absence
3. To approve the minutes of the last AGM
4. To receive the report from the Chairman
5. To receive reports from the captains
6. To elect officers for the 2024 season
The nominations recommended by the cricket committee are as follows:
Chairman - Andrew Gibson
Secretary - Alexander Parr
Child Welfare Officer - Keith Andrews
Junior Chair - Phil Clarke
1st XI captain - Luke Filer
2nd - Grant Hughes
3rd - David Burrows
4th - Mike Johnson
Over 40s - John Mitchell
Sunday - Mark Thomas
Ladies - TBC
I would like to draw members attention to the following rule, which also applies for any other nominations to the proposed officers listed above:
6.4.1 If any FULL Member of the Club desires to propose any motion at any Annual General Meeting of the Club he/she shall give notice in writing, duly seconded, of such motion to the Hon. General Secretary. The said notice must reach the Hon. General Secretary not later than FOURTEEN (14) days before the date of the Meeting.
6.4.2 TEN (10) days before the date of the said Meeting the Hon. General Secretary shall place on the notice board in the Club Pavilion a notice setting out the motions to be proposed at the Meeting.
Alexander Parr
Acting Cricket Section Secretary